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Adopt-a-Garden Program

At Camp Daniel, we work to make the world a more beautiful place for people with disabilities. One way we do this is through beautiful gardens! We invite you to adopt a garden this summer on Camp Daniel’s Little Newton Lake campus. There are ten garden spaces that need adoption, so whether you are a master gardener or just beginning to nurture your green thumb, we invite you to participate in the Adopt-A-Garden program.

Gardens can be adopted by individuals, groups, churches, and businesses, so we encourage you to get a team together! That way you can split up the work throughout the summer. There are small, medium, and large gardens to choose from. All gardens are started, but adoptees are welcome to add new plants to their space. 

Gardens are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Who can adopt?

  • Individuals (18+)

  • Families

  • School/Community Groups/Churches 

  • Local Businesses

Gardener’s Responsibilities:

  • Preparing garden for the season

  • Regular weeding and upkeep (May through October)
  • Purchase and plant new plants (If desired, not required)

Camp Daniel Provides:

  • Water, mulch, and black dirt

  • Tools available upon request

  • Plants- All gardens are started 

  • Custom sign with adopter’s name in garden


What do we need to provide? Adopters will need to provide maintenance and their creative gardening skills! Some gardening tools are available on a limited basis at Camp Daniel, but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own. All gardens are established, but we encourage adopters to add plants as they desire. Volunteers must provide any additional plants if they’d like to add to their garden. Camp Daniel will also provide black dirt, mulch, gardening tools, and we’ll water gardens weekly.

When do we start? Gardens start blooming in mid-April, so we hope to have all gardens adopted by the beginning of May. Adopting your garden earlier than that is encouraged.

What is the time commitment? The garden will be yours to care for from May-October. The majority of the commitment begins in late April/May while getting the garden established for the season. Then Adopters should plan to commit an hour or two every couple of weeks to their garden for upkeep. We ask for all gardeners to maintain their gardens until it is time to cut back in the fall.

How much does it cost? Adoption is FREE and is done on an annual basis! Plant purchases are up to you, but all gardens are started by Camp Daniel Staff.

Contact Us

If you or your group would like to Adopt-A-Garden, please reach out to staff member Ruth Hucek. Email Ruth and let her know what type of garden space you are looking to adopt! | 715-927-3404

Email Ruth