Donate online to support our missionary staff, the latest fundraiser, camper scholarships, or wherever the need is greatest.
Ways To Give
Through your kindness and generosity, we can change lives.
Mail a check to Camp Daniel. Your money goes the furthest, as there are no online fees.
Camp Daniel
W10541 Army Ln
Athelstane, WI 54104
Wish List
Visit our wish list for suggested items that would be most helpful. We also accept in-kind donations of items such as: construction materials, aluminum cans, printer cartridges, and craft materials.
No matter the method of donation, all gifts to Camp Daniel are tax deductible.
Our Financial History
Camp Daniel is an independently run non-profit organization with 501-(c)(3) tax status. The annual budget is raised from donations from individuals, fraternal groups, companies, churches and philanthropists. As a financially conservative organization, the Board of Directors has always maintained a financial strategy of incurring no debt; therefore all construction on the campus has been completed as funds have become available. This practice has allowed Camp Daniel to continually serve people with disabilities while constructing a $4,500,000 campus; even during the most recent recession. This financial responsibility has allowed Camp Daniel to be able to offer a superior camp experience at a very low price. Your support of Camp Daniel shows people with disabilities that they are valued and loved. Through your kindness and generosity, we can change lives.

Other Ways to Support Camp

Designated Giving
We are eligible to receive donor designated dollars when you give through United Way. Just check the “Designated Gift” box on your workplace pledge form and enter Camp Daniel.
For financial questions, email