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2019 Summer Camp Theme

By February 6, 2019June 3rd, 2019No Comments

Matthew 5:16
Let your light shine so love is seen.

“Our camp theme for 2019 is Shine.  Camp Daniel, works to impart to everyone that God made us, loves us and has a plan for our lives. That plan becomes clear when we love as God asks. That love is given to shine on everyone around us. Many of us struggle to accept the love God gives. Lifes circumstances can be dark, painful and destructive to our own view of who God made us to be. The light that resides within us, when allowed to shine, gives each of us the opportunity to move towards the love we desperatley need. Camp Daniel wants everyone at camp to understand that they have the power to shine love into their world, and that anyone in its light could clearly see how God works in each of us.”

-Director Tony Piantine